Honey massage
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The therapeutic effect of honey massage:
- Activates blood and lymph circulation;
- Improves the permeability and nutrition Tanning;
- Clears away the toxic and harmful substances our body;
- Relax and warm up the muscle spasm and contractions;
- Strengthens the blood and lymphatic system;
- Diseases of the spine, joints and tendons;
- Cure degenerative disc disease, sciatica, arthritis different;
- Headaches, migraines, memory impairment and thinking.
- For colds, asthma, cough;
- Rehabilitation after injuries.
After the procedure, honey massage at home skin becomes healthy, improves elasticity and restores its pores.
Honeyed back massage Kiev also used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and digestive system (liver, pancreas, gall bladder).
In recent years, a range of recreational, tempering activities have been widely applied cellulite honey massage Kiev. It can be performed after the morning exercises, training, lessons in the pool, and so on. D.
Honey massage - one of the oldest methods of treatment, which consists in the mechanical action of biologically active zones of the body, and is based on the effect of the impact of treatment components that make up the structure of the honey directly through our skin. It is necessary to note that this method is not damaged skin surface.
Thanks to this special manipulation creating a partial vacuum and abundant blood flow when exposed to tissues of the body.
Time duration honey massage on my sessions in a predetermined recovery period is not less than 50-70 minutes, but can be longer. All massage treatments, I try to spend as possible, with physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Duration of treatment honey massage at home Kiev depends on the area massaged area, the original tone massaged muscles, subcutaneous tissue state.
During the honeymoon canned massage at home apply various techniques impact pas biologically active zones: pressure, stroking, rubbing or twisting. For muscle relaxation, treat acute pain in muscles and joints massaging motion (better to use a circular motion) should be smooth, slow, continuous, with a gradual increase in impact forces. The total duration of 3-5 minutes in each zone.
With osteochondrosis of the spine, I recommend individualized for each patient complex honey massage. On average, a massage course I consists of seven sessions that I spend two - three days, which excludes the possibility of excessive and painful impact on our body.
Honey massage, in certain disorders and pathologies spend under medical supervision, since it is not used in acute diseases occurring and sensitive skin. But still, honey massage, as well as Jumeiho therapy at home, try to spend in conjunction with exercise, heat and water treatments.
Currently, a host of different schools, movements, techniques, methods, techniques, honey massage with a single task - treated patients.
Exchange of experience - one of the main tools and further improvement of honey massage, his techniques, methods and ways of treatment. Therefore, we must continually strive to improve, as diagnostic methods and techniques of honey massage.
Ordering honey massage at home, you use your legal rights that you have, no one can take away - to be healthy, and young and beautiful. And I, as a specialist in their field, always ready to help you!