
Initially, during my kinesiology sessions, to find out the disease pattern, I conduct manual and muscle testing, visual level-by-level analysis, palpatory and perceptual diagnostics. If necessary, I carry out psycho-emotional correction of the system, as well as a diagnostic therapeutic load, to determine the general state of the organism and the functioning of local meaningful zones.Kinesiology at home in Kiev.

Kinesioligy, Kinesitherapy :
descriptionduration price
Complete session: treatment, consultation 1 hour.
1900 hryvnia.

  In other words, this means that the basis and task of energetic kinesiology, as well as the osteopath in Kiev, is to correctly identify and cure the main primary cause, and the compensatory-altered and painful zone will recover itself, as this is a consequence.

Kinesitherapist works with such diseases:

  • - head and cardiovascular diseases;
  • - impaired circulation of the brain and spinal cord;
  • - diseases of internal organs and body systems;
  • - diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • - vegetative-somatic dystonia, nervous tics;
  • - soreness in the back caused by intervertebral hernias, leafs, posttraumatic consequences, dural twisting;
  • - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, protrusions of vertebral discs;
  • - diseases of muscles, joints, tendons;
  • - various polyneuritis, plexitis, neuralgia;
  • - venous, vascular and arterial diseases;
  • - dislocation of the hip, torticollis, curvature of the pelvis and asymmetry of the shoulder region;
  • - metabolic disorders, overweight, functional developmental disorder;
  • - mental and emotional disorders;
  • - violation of the amplitude of movement in the hip and shoulder joint;
  • - infantile cerebral palsy, various manifestations of epilepsy, Down's disease, psychosomatic disorders;
  • - the depressed state of newborn babies and children at certain stages of development.

Thanks to this approach, a clear idea is given why the patient can not be cured by classical medicine, and how he can recover only in conjunction with the psycho-emotional approach and independent work. Therefore, for any pathology, a energetyc kinesiologist at home in Kiev, meets a patient with testing his external and internal condition, followed by analysis and treatment of key violations.

In consequence of such a step-by-step approach, the overall genesis of the disease and the reaction of adjacent segments to the therapeutic effects of the doctor appear more accurate. It is therapeutically important, for this type of patient, to find out where to start kinesiotherapy and individual treatment with targeted technicians. On taping and consultation people come to the medical center of Kiev or order a doctor's call to the kinesitherapeutist home. Patients from the Kyiv region (Vasilkov, Boryspil, Vyshneve, Slavutich, Ukrainka, Yagotin, Obukhov, Boyarka, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Boguslav, Belaya Tserkov, Brovary, Bucha, Irpen, Fastov), ​​please register for kinesitherapy well in advance, as not always free intervals for treatment.

Applied kinesiology and kinesiotherapy Kiev - is a preventive approach to functional disorders, when the pathology has not yet been detected, and the targeted individual approach to this disease. There are many actual diseases in man, and one does not need to treat them all, since the system will request additional external resources. But any patient has a key root cause, to which it is necessary to find optimal access and to treat this pain symptom.

With muscle testing, I find the response of the patient's nervous system to the differentiated diagnostic effect, and this opens up the desired feedback tool with the patient's body. Thanks to this tool, I assign the appropriate kinesitherapeutic treatment (kinesiotherapy) in the clinic, and when calling a doctor, then craniosacral therapy at house in Kiev. After using the interrelation of muscles with internal organs and vertebrae, it is possible to trace psycho-emotional aspects and energy components. The doctor determines a specific problem, the elimination of which, will change the general state of the body and depressive conditions. Annoying the altered muscle, the physician kinesiologist at home, analyzes the character of the signal emanating from our nervous apparatus, and by the feedback mechanism, it finely reconfigures the system.

If the signal is correct and is not distorted from a certain area of ​​the muscle, the doctor energetic kinisiology will test another muscle, and so until the dysfunction in the self-regulation apparatus is detected. The main foundation in the treatment of psycho-kinesiology and kinesiotherapy is a holistic approach to the patient's body and health. The method of manual and muscle testing is based on the initial hypotonia of the muscles, as a universal response of the patient's body to any of his illnesses and disorders.

Practically the condition of any muscle affects the whole system, and its weakness determines the problem organ, directly related to the muscle being studied. Thus: the hypotonicity of the square muscle of the waist, defines a disorder in the cecum; this, in turn, leads to compensatory hypertension of the square muscle of the waist on the opposite side. As a result, the pulpous nuclei of the discs of the lumbar region of the spine are squeezed out into the zone of flaccid muscle and the roots of the intervertebral nerves are compressed. As a result, pain syndrome occurs. And when squeezing the sciatic nerve and there is innervation in the lower limb on the side of the flaccid muscle.
Thanks to applied and psycho-kineziologic treatment, Kiev, the physician at home (in the clinic) produces a therapeutic effect where the main cause of this pathology has been identified.

The practical approach of applied kinesitherapists can combine different methods of treatment, depending on the individual constitutional state of the patient.
At the same time, it is important to constantly analyze the condition and the susceptibility of the nervous system with the help of muscle diagnosis in order to obtain reliable information about the quality of the therapy.

Kinesiologists conduct individual kinesiotaping sessions and a targeted approach to each patient, develop optimal taping treatment programs and rehabilitation. During the kinesiotaping process, the doctor uses special tapes of various colors and shapes, which are applied in accordance with the individual needs of the patients.

When recording for treatment, counseling and training in kinesiological testing, for residents of the Kiev region (Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Slavutich, Ukrainka, Boguslav, Yagotin, Belaya Tserkov, Brovary, Bucha, Irpen, Fastov, Vasilkov, Borispol, Vishnevoye, Obukhov, Boyarka) lists can be posted with the time and date of the relevant programs.

There are contraindications:

  • alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • menstruation;
  • intra-organ hemorrhages;
  • acute viral diseases;
  • infectious disorders;
  • complications of a heart attack.

The use of such psychokinesiological treatment makes the session painless and very pleasant, and most importantly effective!  In special cases and with certain painful symptoms, the kinesiotherapist leaves the house!

To order kinesiological treatment in a medical center, you can, by the above phone number, if possible, beforehand having warned the doctor, and explaining the symptoms of the disease.
You can always rely on me and completely trust me!

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+380 (99) 387 70 37 (Viber/WhastApp)

Working hours
  • Mon–Fri

    07:30 – 21:00

    call any time
  • Sat

    07:30 – 20:30

    sign up for a treatment session and consultation
  • Sun

    day off; depending on the complexity of the disease, a reception may also be carried out.

Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
  • Medical Center "Alternative",
    Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
  • Center for Alternative Medicine,
    st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
  • Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
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