My mission is to achieve a balance between physical health and the spiritual component!

Individual osteopathic and kinesiological treatment. Biodynamics

I will conduct competent, targeted muscle and palpation diagnostics to find the key cause of the disease and soft tissue relapse-free treatment without side effects or harm to the body. Patients are treated in a medical center on the left bank of the city and the center of Kyiv. A doctor can come to your home!

Accepting an uncomfortable situation as what it is, as a present moment from which there is no escape, you will begin to feel in the massage salon on the left bank of Kyiv, what you did not notice. You will no longer be a slave to emotions, reactions imposed by the mind.

Lysak Dmitry Petrovich

osteopath, physical therapist, kinesiologist.
Specialization: biodynamics, craniosacral therapy, oteopathy, kinesiology, visceral therapy.

I will immediately provide assistance massage parlor Kyiv on the left bank and in the center, at any time, depending on the degree of the disease

Responsible individual approach of a doctor in a medical center

If you are in the deepest presence, then you are free from thoughts. You are calm and vigilant, visit of a massage therapist to a patient’s home. If your mind slips into the lower frequencies, then mental warfare immediately sets in. And we immediately fall into the power of despondency, vanity and psychological time.

The transparent and conscientious attitude of the osteopathic doctor in the clinic, which is transmitted to the patient

kinesiologist's massage room and massage on the left bank Kyiv

Istrive to provide all patients with the highest quality care, select targeted and targeted treatment with an individual approach and doctor massage therapist home visit with advisory support, preventing the possibility of a repeated return to pathology.

Great experience doctor massage therapist in Kyiv

The quality of my treatment is a great experience and deeply grateful patients who left sincere reviews on this site. And as a person who, calling a doctor massage therapist home, who has gone through his life journey from serious illnesses to a healthy state, I am also trying to help people!

The patient’s body itself tells you where the key cause of the disease is, you just need to listen unobtrusively and carefully!

We will never overcome external difficulties, since they only mirror our deep state. This dysfunction was caused by our unconscious resistance to what is, back massage Kyiv at home, and how we feel and live the present moment.

I see adult patients, pregnant mothers at different stages, and their small children, infants, as a doctor massage therapist in the Kyiv clinic!

Treatment of various destructive conditions, psychosomatic and emotional diseases: cerebral palsy, Down's disease, Epilepsy

it is important to find the key axis of dysfunction, which already originates in the womb of a pregnant mother and from there to unravel the pathological tangle of diseases, massage parlor Kyiv

Isuccessfully work with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system in a massage parlor on the left bank, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and metabolism, cranial restrictions, migraines, diseases of the male and female genital area, physiological defects back massage Kiev in center and psycho-emotional development problems.

Treatment sessions are also held for my students and colleagues in other cities: Uzhgorod, Poltava, Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov, Zhitomir, Shostka. For clarification and registration, please contact the above contact

I will immediately provide assistance massage parlor Kyiv on the left bank and in the center, at any time, depending on the degree of the disease

Be sure to call and sign up for a treatment session - and with great dedication and responsibility I will provide your health with professional, irreplaceable and reliable support, which will bring you powerful motivation for good deeds massage parlor on the left bank, a huge boost in internal resources and mood!

Professional osteopathy, kinesiology, back massage in Kyiv, biodynamics - the key to your health!

Contact the health center to schedule an osteopathic treatment and consultation.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+380 (99) 387 70 37 (Viber/WhastApp)

Working hours
  • Mon–Fri

    07:30 – 21:00

    call any time
  • Sat

    07:30 – 20:30

    sign up for a treatment session and consultation
  • Sun

    day off; depending on the complexity of the disease, a reception may also be carried out.

Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
  • Medical Center "Alternative",
    Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
  • Center for Alternative Medicine,
    st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
  • Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
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