Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
- Medical Center "Alternative",
Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
- Center for Alternative Medicine,
st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
- Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
Thank you for such an individual approach - I was able to completely trust everything that was happening to me, let go of everything - for the first time in my life I felt the coming changes so vividly.
Now I attend sessions with my little son and feel extraordinary progress in health and the desire to courageously face the sorrows of life!
I am very grateful to him for such an individual approach and recommend him to everyone who is looking for unusual and effective treatment methods!
His unobtrusive approach and ability to take into account the deep internal nuances of my condition - as he knows how to do it and how he does it - impressed me very much and instilled a long-faded hope for recovery.
Each treatment session opened up new free boundaries for me and always took place in a new way for my feelings, not at all the way it usually happens with standard treatment from different doctors.
After the first sessions, I felt noticeable relief and improvement in my back area. And terrible emotional disorders, quite noticeably and mysteriously for me, began to shift to the secondary plane! At first it was simply amazing, but now I’ve gotten used to it, because you get used to good things very quickly)))
I strongly recommend Dmitry Petrovich Lysak, especially to those who have encountered similar problems.
I am sure that his sessions characterize his completely unusual way of life for our thinking, and it won’t take much effort for you to feel it!!!
After undergoing treatment sessions with Dmitry Petrovich, I began to experience completely different colors of life, more joyful and inspiring. At first I could not believe that such light and painless effects could make any changes in the state of my depressed health. Although I still can’t understand and comprehend it!
Now everything has changed at all levels of my health, a completely different attitude towards people and Life in general has appeared!
Also, with the results of treatment for my little 1-year-old daughter, my wife was simply delighted!
Thank you very much, and God's blessing in further development!!!
I recommend Dmitry Petrovich as a God-gifted specialist who sees the problem well as it is and transforms reality.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!✨!!!!
For many years now I have had lower back pain, with aching syndrome in the left shoulder blade and disturbing obsessive-compulsive states with epileptic seizures.
Treatment by Dmitry Petrovich was competently delivered and performed very carefully and gently, individually to my needs, hitherto inimitable by anyone I had applied to for treatment. For this alone, I express my deep gratitude and delight, not only from myself, but also from all my colleagues with whom I had close contact and conducted my business. After all, I began to feel people differently and relate to them, putting myself in their place. There was an unusual sympathy and respect for any person who meets on my life path.
Everyday situations and difficulties are perceived holistically, consciously interconnected with my inner state and spiritual mood. I changed my behavior, I became much calmer to endure adversity and various unpleasant communications with my partners.
From the beginning of our acquaintance there was a strong feeling that one could completely trust Dmitry Petrovich and find unshakable support and support in him. This was felt unobtrusively throughout the entire time of our communication at osteopathy sessions. He undeniably fully proved this and this feeling is extended to this day.
At the moment, I have completely returned to my long-forgotten physiologically healthy lifestyle, pain does not bother me, various loads do not introduce pain syndromes and deviations.
Thanks a lot to Dmitry Petrovich for the exact diagnosis, as well as for the individual and unusually delicate sessions!!!
Literally after the 2nd session, I was able to separate myself from these horrible thoughts and look from the side at everything that happened to me and is happening. Life has become joyful, whole. I am very grateful to Dmitry Petrovich for being able to get into my cause of the disease and gently bring it to a healthy state!
During the treatment process, interesting phenomena took place with my body that at first did not fit into the framework of my mind. The body, as it were, was trying to recover the once lost resources and the former balance, twitching, heating up, vibrating ...
After two sessions, the long-awaited relief and exposure of the illness that enveloped me clearly appeared. It became freer to breathe, the body gained integrity and harmony. There were forces and resources that gave impetus to take the reins of government into their own hands and bear full responsibility for all the events that appear on the path of life. After all, now I know for sure that all such events and diseases appear on the basis of my internal state, which I accumulated in the process of my unconscious life. Thanks again !!!
He signed up for the session without enthusiasm, and thought that the treatment would be standard, not interesting and painful. But it was just the opposite.
The treatment was carried out not only at the body level, but also on the psycho-emotional aspects. At the session I felt a rethinking of my whole life. In problem areas unusual twitches and pulsations occurred for me. The looping on the past experience was quite clearly felt throughout the body. I could not let go of this experience before. But then in the session there was a relaxation and release. The body began to rebuild interestingly, unwind and felt very differently.
Suddenly and imperceptibly, sharp pains in the lower back, shoulders and back of the head disappeared. The gait relaxed, different life situations and ailments began to be felt and rethought differently. Relations with relatives have changed for the better.
Therefore, from all of them and from me personally, many thanks to you!
The result was brought only by Dmitry Petrovich. But at first it was completely incomprehensible what he was doing and whether these light, air touches could help. After all, we are not accustomed to such treatment! In the course of treatment, the daughter felt an unusual pleasant feeling, relaxation and calm. And right after that, Dmitry Petrovich said that your daughter, Daria, took the treatment and more symmetrical movements appeared in her body. And what could you feel with such a hairdryer, as the connection with mom still persists. After that, all doubts were dispelled, inner joy and hope appeared. Daria began to feel much better and calmer, she ceased to cry incessantly at night, ticks were gone by 90%. I, like my mother, have become happier and more comfortable with her. There were quite unusual feelings of a loving mother, as if the treatment of my Darinochka was reflected on me! Even then, the unpleasant discomfort during the carrying of the second child and the constant pain between the shoulder blades decreased.
Thank you so much from the whole family!
After 68 years, stopped walking! It was all well-known doctors and professors - there was not even relief! Sadness, sadness, irritation, anger swept through me!
Friends very much advised Dmitry Petrovich. But a lot of time did not turn to him because of disbelief and tiredness of all this. But then decided. At that time, relations with all my relatives suffered from my disbelief, oppression, irritation, and constant pain!
On the third day, after the 1st session, Dmitry Petrovich, there was a significant relief. After the 3rd session, I started walking with crutches. Were treated with respect to mental and nervous disorders. So, that relatives just do not recognize me and are very happy for me! At first it was surprising and doubtful that this could be!
Our whole family was treated by a doctor. The sessions are very interesting, not like the usual treatment, unusually relaxing. The main thing - bring the result. We all express joyful gratitude for the fact that such specialists are still there and bring pleasant comfort and relief to such elderly people as me and our young generation !!!
The treatment was pleasant, very easy and transparent, trusting. I learned and felt a lot of new and interesting about my body during the recovery period after the sessions!
There was a more symmetrical face and lower limbs, aligned posture, improved nutrition, noticeably became cheerful and calm.
Overflowing with a feeling of pure-heartfelt joy and gratitude!
After the third treatment session, about 75% of the violations disappeared. The remaining violations, as the doctor explained, are gross injuries that have remained after difficult births, were treated with varying success, but the result is obvious.
Our family is very grateful for such an unusual, neat, painless and gentle treatment approach, and wishes great health and longevity to Dmitry Petrovich!
The big bugodarnost and from his wife. Thank you for being so!
The left foot and stomach ached.
After the first session, the pain symptoms decreased significantly and a completely different sensation of life was stored. After the third session of osteopathy, a slight tingling in the heel remained. My husband and son had pain in the lower back and shoulder joint. I will continue to go for prevention and recommend to friends and relatives such a good specialist. Thank you very much for your highly qualified help !!!
I pryshel sylnoy with depression, holovnыmy pain, as well as with bad view. Also in cerebral palsy me, but Sorry vыnuzhdenы Some people live with such disease. Already after session I pervogo pochuvstvoval Changes in luchshuyu side depression beginning otstupat and uluchshylos of view. I have not even thought something of view can be somehow uluchshyt, but ymenno through Vision We bolshuyu part of information we obtain, and vlyyaet This Very heavily on our emotional state. This ymenno so I personally in this ubedylsya, Ved When beginning uluchshatsya of view, paints become brighter, peace boi vosprynymatsya somehow in another way. Also disappeared skovannost movements was lehche dыshat. After echoed and treteho polozhytelnыe Changed sessions were more than yavnыmy else. Vspomynaetsya Bach book "The Seagull Jonathan Livingston Called" O gulls, kotoraja constantly stremylas letat Above and bыstree, sovershenstvovala svoy navыky fly. Now I As same seagull, Jonathan Livingston Called, I otkrыvat New horizons for themselves.
Many thanks to Dmitry Petrovich for the most holistic treatment!!!
Huge gratitude to Dmitry Petrovich, success and advancement!
See you next time I come to Kiev!
The result satisfied professional treatment.
I recommend to everyone!
With great confidence I recommend, as health plays a significant role in our lives!