Shiatsu (acupressure)
Acupressure has developed widely due to the substantiation of the concept that every pathological condition![]() |
One of the varieties of the influence of the eastern acupressure Kiev (shiatsu) on a key violation is acupressure, - the therapeutic effect of pressing a finger. In the treatment of acupressure, purposefully affect the special points that are responsible for a certain source of the pathological segment. Therefore, the most important in the medical practice of the doctor shiatsu therapist is the identification of the significant underlying cause of the disease, which gives the resource of this pathology.
Shiatsu has the following therapeutic effects:
- reduces the pain threshold and relaxes the nervous system;
- slows down aging and activates rejuvenation processes;
- relaxation effect on the muscular corset, improving its functionality, elasticity and elasticity;
- improvement of the condition of internal organs and body systems;
- increases work capacity and stress resistance;
- restores microcirculation in tissues and their motility;
- the removal of emotional and physical stress, depression and oppression;
- improvement of memory, clarity of thinking, level perception of information;
- tonic, anti-allergic, wound-healing effect;
- other children's, men's and women's diseases.
Fingering Pinpoint massage in Kiev is a diversified version of the Chinese medicine system, which is also called zhen - finger - shiatsu therapy. So, for example, with nausea, headaches, diseases of internal organs or bone apparatus, just an easy, but selective acupressure of certain points, gives remarkable results.
In the rapidly developing medical industry, the requirements for literate and professional finger massage in Kiev, as well as visceral chiropractic at home, oblige me, as a professional therapist, to constantly study new approaches to quality treatment of acupressure and the accumulation of appropriate experience and skill.
Before performing a point massage, it is important to identify the areas from which you need to start treatment and through the chain of meaningful pathological patterns to reach the root cause of the disease. After such selective diagnostics it is recommended to conduct thermal measures in order to create the appropriate therapeutic andfavorable background.
The movement of the finger should be horizontal, continuous, rotating, highly sensitive, but not rough and sharp. After a properly performed finger massage - intradermal hemorrhages, pain, bruises and depressive conditions should not be.
Mandatory conditions are complete relaxation of the patient and the absence of external stimuli. When performing acupressure, the doctor should take a comfortable pose and be completely distracted from all strangers, tune into the procedure.
The therapeutic effect of Shiatsu therapy does not manifest itself so quickly. Usually the effect is observed after several sessions or even at the end of the course of treatment. In certain clinical conditions, multiple finger massage can be performed throughout the day. During one procedure, do not apply more than 10-12 points.
Point finger massage, as well as sports massage Kiev, differs relative simplicity, purposefulness, high efficiency. It is used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It is also important that acupressure can be carried out in the regime of mutual and self-massage. At the same time, it should be remembered that in some cases acupressure can complement (but not replace) complex long-term treatment.
Given the above and the theory of nervism IP Pavlov, we approach the fact that the influence on the skin, subcutaneous fat, on the muscular apparatus (ie, on any segments of our body), is achieved a favorable reflex influence on the state of the nervous system, the motor apparatus, various internal systems and organs.
Diagnosis on the detection of a significant disability begins with the definition of the resistance of the skin surface, the symmetry of the respiration of the organs and deepening further into the deep tissues and the direction of the movement of the liquids I go to the source of the pathology. Sometimes it happens that the innervation of problematic parts of the body and skin is elevated and brightly reacts to external stimuli, therefore in this zone a slight contact will cause pain and discomfort.
Everything could be different in our medicine in relation to the effectiveness and quality of treatment if skin markers were professionally studied before and during the medical treatment: thermometric, electrical, biochemical and others. This need to be taken into account when applying such a better medicine for the human body and its skin, like finger point massage at home in Kiev, which in Chinese folk medicine is also called shiatsu.
With such treatment, it is important for the doctor to be able to listen to the patient's body and, based on such highly sensitive diagnostics, to impartially apply targeted targeted treatment. And then the body will respond, the tissues will start to make harmonious movements, the hidden internal resources will open and the patient's body will be able to thank his only doctor for long-awaited healing.
The patients will feel the healing effect and quality of the shiatsu procedure from the first visit of the doctor.
An indispensable and indispensable condition for the conduct of a spot massage at home Kiev, should be the maximum possible relaxation of the patient and the absence of negative influence from the external environment and the human factor.
Order finger point massage from 8-30 to 21-00 for healing yourself and your loved ones. I am happy to help you in this professionally! Also, it is possible to leave the shiatsu terarevta for a house!