Be alert in all body movements, aware of small gestures. And then, suddenly, miracles happen: something that they couldn’t even imagine themselves without before disappears imperceptibly; There will be an unusual peace with a hitherto unknown subtle melody!

Lysak Dmitry Petrovich

physiotherapist, osteopath, kinesiologist, rehabilitologist.

Realize how low emotions oppose being present in the moment “Here and Now”!

Higher education:

  • Physiotherapist. Vinnitsa University "Ukraine", specialty "Physical therapy, ergotherapy".
  • Physical rehabilitation specialist. University "Dragomanov", specialty "Physical rehabilitation".
  • University "KPI", Energy Faculty.


A pupil of well-known osteopaths and craniosacral therapists (biodynamists): Smirnova AE, Sambiri VV, Michael Kern, Roger Gilchrist, Nikonenko EN, Levashova IB, and academician of manual therapy VN Naboychenko .

My specialization

When the mind and ego combine with emotion, we lose inner attention with the body, we do not accept what is already there!

Depending on the current conditions and the mood of the patient, treatment can be carried out at a distance🙏🏻

Therapeutic activity

  • 2016 - present time
    Osteopath, biodynamist. Medical Center "Alternative", Kiev, ul. Dragomanova 31b.
  • 2013 – 2016
    Kinesiologist, osteopath. Kiev Center of Sports Medicine.
  • 2005 – 2013
    Manual therapist, visceral therapist. Clinic "Harmony", Kyiv.

Qualitatively and efficiently:

  • I restore patients with problems of the spinal column and internal organs;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, rib protrusion;
  • hyper (hypo) tonic abnormalities, compression of cranial nerves and bones;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma);
  • problems with internal organs (liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreatitis);
  • with violations of the circulatory system and lymph flow;
  • osteochondrosis, inguinal and vertebral hernia;
  • radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, epilepsy and neuralgia;
  • metabolic disorders, obesity, allergic reactions;
  • cranial compression, migraine, nervous exhaustion, weakness of the body;
  • work with pregnant women and their fetus at different periods of pregnancy;
  • cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, mental and physical development problems;
  • various diseases of children since infants.

When vile depression appears when you settle into the present “Here and Now” - give thanks and do not hide from the life that already exists: this is a significant opportunity to realize the birth dramas and go through their fetters.
Treatment sessions and consultations are conducted in Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+380 (99) 387 70 37 (Viber/WhastApp)

Working hours
  • Mon–Fri

    07:30 – 21:00

    call any time
  • Sat

    07:30 – 20:30

    sign up for a treatment session and consultation
  • Sun

    day off; depending on the complexity of the disease, a reception may also be carried out.

Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
  • Medical Center "Alternative",
    Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
  • Center for Alternative Medicine,
    st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
  • Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
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