Osteopathy Khmelnitsky
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As a result of an unobtrusive and transparent structure of the session, the patient’s body will be able to trust the doctor, will open up, allow him to reach the key link and observe him until complete resolution. And then the favorable moment for targeted influences will come - it is important not to miss it. And then act according to the unfolding movement of the released tissues and fluids. Such a moment of being in a biodynamic presence will be felt by the whole body and it will already be in such a resourceful unfolding movement throughout the entire session.
I carry out my main medical practice in our capital, wehre there is a pediatrician in Kyiv, but at scheduled times I also conduct sessions in the city of Khmelnitsky. Therefore, at a time when I am not in your picturesque historical places, I invite you, residents of the Khmelnytsky region (Izyaslav, Shepetivka, Starokonstantinov, Slavuta, Volochisk, Derazhnya, Gorodok, Netishin, Dunaevtsy, Polonnoe, Krasilovsk, Kamenets-Podolsky) to a soft tissue osteopathic treatment and secondary preventive sessions at the medical center, where I provide regular appointments and consultations, at the address indicated above.
During sessions of craniosacral therapy and kinesiology Khmelnitsky, it is important that the patient’s body feels a reliable point of support in the osteopathic doctor, who works subtly and precisely, and trusts him completely. Then a subtle movement can occur, gradually leading into deep awareness. And against the backdrop of unobtrusive presence and internal attention, processes of harmonization and release from those fixations and long-standing hidden traumas that introduce persistent oppression into our body and shift internal resources into complete prostration and inconsistency will begin.
In addition to examining adult patients, kinesiology, visceral therapy and osteopathy are performed for pregnant mothers during all periods of pregnancy. We also conduct children's sessions on kinesitherapy, biodynamics, massage, for cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, epilepsy, developmental delays, both for infants and for children after one year of age.
My main activity and consultation:
- Osteopathy
- Kinesiology (psychokinesiology), kinesitherapy
- Biodynamics
- Craniosacral therapy
- Children's session, osteopathy for pregnant mothers, infants, children.
Additional services - my colleagues and students can provide them:
- Visceral therapy (visceral chiropractic)
- Manual therapy, vertebrology
- Osteopathy for animals Khmelnitsky, veterinary medicine
- Therapeutic massage, lymphatic drainage massage
- Bioenergy
- Acupressure, Shiatsu
- Thai massage, Yumeihotherapy
- Massage for a child, baby, infant
- Diagnosis of key diseases and associated emotional traumas, consulting support.
We also see a pediatric osteopath in Khmelnitsky, a chiropractor, and a kinesiologist. In certain cases, the doctor visceral therapist makes a home visit in Slavuta, Starokonstantinov, Shepetivka!
A person often harbors a non-acceptance of some sad life experience, or a disease, which he may often not realize or not attach importance to. In this case, at the subconscious level, we begin to experience irritation, indignation, and the usual pleasure of life eludes us and everything becomes a sad routine.
But through the ability given to us to accept the environment and the situations that happen to us as they are, we receive impulses of pleasure, joy, and motivation. And this sensual energy of joy and pleasure builds a future projection of our life circumstances, often associated with diseases and psychosomatic disorders at different levels.
These and the diseases with which a person comes to a kinesiotherapist in Kamenets-Podolsky or a vertebrologist or chiropractor in Slavuta in order to get rid of them, grow against the background of our rejection of life, as cause and effect. These diseases lead us to work through the barrier caused by the rejection of life experience, careless rejection of accidents and resistance to life, which overthrows our majestically conceived beingness to the level of low-frequency and petty existence.
By courageously and sincerely recognizing and tracking the constantly slipping cunning behavior of this barrier, we cleanse ourselves and change our future projection of beingness and our relationships with loved ones. It is important to begin to take the first steps on the path to liberation and health, and the pitfalls and difficulties encountered will only give more and more motivation and determination on the path of your continuous presence in the triumphant moment “Here and Now”! And the Starokonstantinov biodynamics sessions will then become for you an unforgettable time of presence in your deepest essence, and you will suddenly understand that you can constantly remain in this bliss!
In some cities of the Khmelnitsky region: Starokonstantinov, Shepetivka, Slavuta, Volochysk, Derazhnya, Gorodok, Shepetivka, Izyaslav, Netishin, Krasilovsk, Polonnoe, Dunaevtsy, Kamenets-Podolsky, treatment sessions and training can be conducted by my colleagues or students. For more detailed information, write or call the above phone number and you will receive up-to-date information on the closest location to your location!
I professionally provide treatment and consultation to patients with the following diseases and psychosomatic complications:
- destruction in joints and tendons: arthrosis, arthritis, coxoarthrosis;
- recovery from physical, emotional trauma and surgery;
- headaches, encephalopathy, memory impairment, migraines;
- insomnia, restless dreams, obsessive states, addictions, enuresis, prolonged apathetic states;
- pelvic asymmetry, intrapelvic tension, hemorrhoids, varicose veins;
- foot deformity, flat feet, valgus changes;
- asymmetry of posture, restoration of correct gait patterns;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, intraosseous tensions, various strains;
- scoliosis, kyphotic changes, spondylolisthesis, osteochondrosis;
- difficulties with coordination, stability during movement and concentration during certain types of activities;
- trigger point pain, myofascial symptoms, fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia);
- vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), psychosomatic structural stresses and their projections on different systems;
- ENT diseases, sinusitis, endometriosis, persistent respiratory diseases, asthmatic manifestations;
- diseases of the endocrine system, thyroid diseases, metabolic disorders, cellulite, gout;
- dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cystitis;
- post-stroke recovery, indulgence in habits and passions, withdrawal into one’s stereotypes, heart attack conditions;
- adhesions, visceral tension, peritoneal obstruction;
- Male diseases at different stages and associated psychosomatics and emotional manifestations;
- Women's diseases: pregnancy at various stages, infertility, postpartum period;
- Pediatrics, childhood diseases: embryonic stress of the fetus caused by the emotions of the mother, birth injuries, post-surgical recovery and rehabilitation of newborns and children after 1 year; hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome; disorders of the speech apparatus and mental and volitional development; absent-mindedness, behavior disorder, apathetic states; Down syndrome, cerebral palsy.
Are you happy in your normal home environment? Are you cheerful around your loved ones? Are you grateful for the triumph of the coming morning dawn? Are you satisfied? Do you accept yourself as you are? Or are you always sad, and you constantly, without the slightest reason, dive into apathetic states and depression?... When will we finally be in a constant state of flammable joy, happiness, mercy, generosity? After our death? After all, such joy, leaping like a triumphant torch, should be Divinely present in your life, in your circle of family and closest people, in the continuous moment “Here and Now”!
Also, for beloved patients from the Khmelnitsky region: Kamenets-Podolsky, Shepetivka, Slavuta, Starokonstantinov, Derazhnya, Volochysk, Shepetivka, Izyaslav, Netishin, Krasylovsk, Polonnoye, Gorodok, Dunaevtsy - there will be seminars on teaching osteopathy, psychobiodynamics, craniosacral therapy, psychokinesiology ( kinesitherapy) and visceral therapy. Therefore, everyone who wants to study can pre-register, having learned in advance the place and time of the seminars!
In some cases, kinesiology, osteopathy and visceral massage can be performed on animals, dogs Khmelnitsky, as well as a on-site veterinarian in Kyiv. Please contact us in advance indicating the exact address where the osteopathic veterinarian should come to your home, and discussing the time of treatment of the animals!
The patient must understand that the responsibility for his recovery does not rest entirely with the biodynamist doctor or chiropractor treating him. First of all, it is important to realize that nothing happens by chance, events and diseases are attracted by our internal state, depending on what height of spirituality a person is at at a given moment.
With sufficient awareness and tracking of events, these circumstances guide and help us enter other, better states, on the path of change. | ![]() |
After all, this earthly life was given to man to prepare us for another transition to eternal life. And exclusively in all life circumstances that happen to us, visceral therapy, the Dunaevites constantly tell us about this!
My invaluable and irreplaceable patients, before signing up for a treatment session, find out enough about the medical science of osteopathy, kinesiology and craniosacral biodynamics, so as not to cause unpleasant feelings with your questions from the doctor to whom you came for a biodynamic session. Accept this consciously, with love and mutual understanding, and then I can calmly, in an unobtrusive presence, not only work through your physiological pain, but also the key reasons that caused it and are still holding it!
Call and sign up for a treatment session and consultation! Upon my arrival in Khmelnitsky, I will be happy to provide professional assistance to both you, dear parents, and your little children, infants! I will also provide the most individual consultation, specifically for your problem, and give a comprehensive answer on the treatment technique used and the nature of the disease!
To go through the temporary life given to us in the “Here and Now” state. Is in a constant search for the Glory of God, which is felt by all the cells of our body as a high-frequency pleasure of pleasure and bliss. It is important to intend not to live life ourselves, but to allow Life itself to live us. And even in our low fall due to an imperceptibly nesting cowardice, the moment “Here and Now” still glimmers, in humble anticipation of its timeless revelation. And already in this low fall, which envelops us with imposed thoughts and paralyzed will, it is necessary, without missing the slightest moment, to experience the presence of the coming moment with all the fibers of our mortal body!