Classic Massage

classic massage kievThe purposeful and effective action of classical massage on various forms of pathologies and diseases of the patient was famous in antiquity. I use this massage not only to eliminate the diseases and relieve pain syndromes, but to prevent, prevent and restore lost resources.  
Session description:
The total (whole body) 1 hour 10 minutes. 1900 hryvnia.
back 30 minutes. 1700 hryvnia.
Feet 25 minutes. 1700 hryvnia.
belly 25 minutes. 13700 hryvnia.

 Swedish classic or manual massage at home Kiev eliminates chronic pain and inflammation, provides a positive mood and joyful life, improves performance and a feeling of satisfaction from the session.

Application of classic massage:

  • elimination of adhesions, skin defects and manifestations of allergic reactions;о
  • swelling, inflammation, cramps, gout;
  • elimination of diseases in the genital area in both men and women;
  • treatment of problems of the joints, ligaments, and diseases associated with the muscular system;
  • deformation of posture, shortening of the limbs, rheumatism;
  • diseases of internal organs, blood vessels and the digestive process as a whole;
  • diseases of the kidneys, pelvis and urinary tract;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs;
  • with training overloads on the ligamentous apparatus, tendons and muscles;
  • favors the regeneration of injured tissue and postoperative sutures;

General massage in Kiev is considered a universal preventive measure for the entire patient. In Swedish massage, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the course of the patient's disease and to make individual targeted manipulations to the affected areas. Therefore, the presence of long-time injured areas, operating shades, as well as age-related changes in the patient's cardiovascular and nervous systems is of great importance in determining the treatment process.

Not special cases are cited in the special general literature when the healing of complex diseases was achieved definitely through the use of classical massage at home Kiev. After all, our ancestors constantly resorted to the help of experienced specialists who knew how to competently find the source of the disease and carry out such healing techniques!

The period of visiting my sessions 2 times a week. In the event of weakness, instability of the main diagnostic indicators and other undesirable states, the time spent on performing the complex will be reduced by classical therapeutic massage at home Kiev, or other preventive measures will be taken without massage manipulations.

After a general massage to the patient, it is desirable to lie down in a relaxed state for 15-30 minutes. But it is necessary to take into account that patients with a pathological cardiovascular system need to rest for the same amount of time (10-15 minutes), only before the session a Swedish classic massage. The general massage Kiev, ordered by you with departure on the house, is the most qualitative and one of optimal variants on availability and temporary restriction.

Effective, expedient and interchangeable means, in relation to frequent sessions of classical massage at home, are appointments in Swedish gymnastics, general strengthening of immunity, body cleansing and other procedures that, due to the clinical features of the patient's disease, are individually selected. In addition, long-term studies of patients with pathologies of the endocrine and nervous system, diseases of the internal organs and muscular system determined the effectiveness of the integrated use of Swedish massage with properly dosed herbal medicine, without prescribing medications.

With the right classic approach, it is important to do all the manipulations along the lymph flow to the lymphatic plexuses:

  • on the hands, manipulations are carried out to the axillary and ulnar lymphatic plexuses;
  • on the legs, manipulations should be directed towards the inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes;
  • on the chest area - the movement is carried out from the sternum in both directions to the lymph nodes of the axillary region;
  • movement on the dorsal part should be smoothly performed from the spinal column in both directions;
  • on the sacral and lumbar area - the movement is carried out to the inguinal plexus;
  • with manipulations on the head, neck - to the lymph nodes of the subclavian region.

This established and systematized method of classical Swedish massage, described in detail in the special literature, is effectively used in medical institutions and health centers as a self-sufficient means, and in an integrated approach. But one should not forget that any treatment is a complex process, in which two parties are equally involved: the massage therapist and the patient. Mutual understanding and respect from relatives and friends in case of severe painful conditions may be a priority for the future state of the patient.

Manipulations for Swedish massage at home in Kiev should be selected in accordance with the individual etiology of the patient, the presentation of the structure of the pathogenesis of the disease and the formation of compensatory reactions that provide the optimal balance in the body.

Therefore, the quality and effectiveness of the session depends on the correct diagnosis and finding the root cause of the pathological link, which maximally affects the secondary pain symptoms. The physician therapist must choose a method of treatment that the patient's body easily perceives and begins a therapeutic restructuring of the established patterns of the disease.

Call and order this wonderful and curative procedure of general massage at a time convenient for you. With maximum responsibility, competence and dedication I will come to the solution of the request! You can leave the house!


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+380 (99) 387 70 37 (Viber/WhastApp)

Working hours
  • Mon–Fri

    07:30 – 21:00

    call any time
  • Sat

    07:30 – 20:30

    sign up for a treatment session and consultation
  • Sun

    day off; depending on the complexity of the disease, a reception may also be carried out.

Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
  • Medical Center "Alternative",
    Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
  • Center for Alternative Medicine,
    st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
  • Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
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