
In diagnostics, the attention of the Acupuncture in kiev at home.therapist should not be so much in the plane of the sensation of his hands as on deep fascial, field and muscular structures. This allows you to see, track the changes in the human body during its treatment, and make a targeted correction that is useful and necessary only for the patient. 

Acupuncture Kiev:
individually diagnosed and selected. 1900 hryvnia.

 For any acupuncturist physician, practice is an important aspect in the study of the location of each channel, the sequence of connection of their first and last points, which is of great importance in the correct choice of points for individual treatment of patients.

At present, in connection with the great scientific and practical interest in acupuncture, various methods of influencing active points (electrical, wave, chemical, thermal) are proposed and successfully used in medical centers.
It should be noted that some of them are more effective, but require further study and great care in practical application, because the physiological purpose of the active point has not yet been clarified. Despite the widely developed technicalism in this issue, and now the main therapeutic methods of influence are acupuncture at home, Kiev, moxibustion, reflexotherapy.

Chien-chiu therapy is one of the oldest methods of treating patients. The conducted studies on the effect of acupuncture and visceral therapy in Uzhhorod on the human body indicate a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, central and peripheral blood circulation, various deep tissue levels.
The technique of applying needles is individual for each patient. When it is carried out in the clinic often use special reflex devices, such as: blunt needles, balls, bone sticks, tooth shark, precious stones and moxibustion. At every reception of acupuncture, great importance is given to the physiological rhythm, sensitivity and mental state of the patient.
The person is treated by his system, and the doctor acupuncturist only supports this system by replenishing internal reserves.
Therefore, one of the main key points of acupuncture in Kiev (reflexology) is the replenishment of internal resources with a wide perception of different levels of information. When a person has resources, he will never get sick. A good system, blood circulation, energy will not allow him to do it.

Therefore, the doctor of the acupuncturist in the treatment of the patient should have a wide perception in order to be able to cover the patterns of health, resources and direct them to the right track.
During the treatment of chen-tszyu therapy at home or in the clinic in Kiev, it is important to restore the free movement of the potency and, accordingly, the perception of physiological information in order to structure the fluid, tissue structures of the body and their motility.
Before the session, the doctor of acupuncturist Kiev must protect himself from pressing problems, be transparent to the patient's system, tune in to the procedure and to individual targeted treatment useful only in this place and at a given time.

Acupuncture successfully treats these disorders:

  • Depression, neurosis, apathy, obsessive states;
  • Diseases of internal organs: inflammation, omission, loss of functionality and free breathing;
  • Gastritis, enterocolitis, the initial stages of ulcers, dysentery, dyskinesia, pancreatitis;
  • Cranial trauma, headaches, migraines, compression of the cranial nerves;
  • Cardiovascular system, hypertension and hypertension;
  • Violation of the musculoskeletal system and the cushioning ability of the spine;
  • Disturbance of posture, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of ligaments, osteochondrosis;
  • Functional disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • Ear, throat, nose;
  • Diseases of the endocrine and respiratory system;
  • Female diseases, toxicoses, nausea, genital areas;
  • Diseases of the male sexual sphere;
  • Children's diseases.

Do not immediately try to treat the patient, you need to give him time to relax and come to himself. Then the nervous system and potency can be balanced, bring the therapist to the source of the disease and adequately perceive the treatment. It is important for the therapist to remain neutral in order not to follow pathological patterns and not to distance himself from them, as they are unpleasant and repellent.

To be neutral, grounded, transparent, to have a wide field of perception and professional attachment to one's business and patient - the necessary features of a true acupuncture and craniosacral therapist Kiev. But these characteristics should not be moments of attraction during the treatment session, like a tidal wave. This wave must merge into an integral and permanent way of life, not learned from the read literature, but felt and embodied in their own experience of life.

Make an appointment at the medical center at the telephone number above. In certain cases, you can leave the acupuncturist at home in Kiev!


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+380 (99) 387 70 37 (Viber/WhastApp)

Working hours
  • Mon–Fri

    07:30 – 21:00

    call any time
  • Sat

    07:30 – 20:30

    sign up for a treatment session and consultation
  • Sun

    day off; depending on the complexity of the disease, a reception may also be carried out.

Treatment is carried out at the following addresses:
  • Medical Center "Alternative",
    Kyiv, st. Dragomanova 31b (m. Poznyaki)
  • Center for Alternative Medicine,
    st. Podvysotsky, 19 (m. Friendship of Peoples)
  • Health Center Human World, st. Telegi 27A (m. Dorohozhychi)
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