Recognition of tumors of the pelvis and ureter

Important role in the treatment of children with Wilms tumor, especially in the presence of metastases, is played not only by antibiotics and chemotherapy, but also by osteopathy Odessa. Of antibiotics, the most effective is dactinomycin. Adriamycin, chrysomallin are also used.

At the beginning of professional treatment it is very important to adequately address the cause of dysfunction and to recognize any localized tumors and formations of any quality. Tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter are divided into benign (papilloma, less often angioma) and malignant (papillary precise, mucus-forming cancer, adenocarcinoma and sarcoma). Usually the primary focus of the tumor is in the renal pelvis, and subsequently the tumor spreads to the ureter and bladder. Cases of the primary tumor of the ureter are very rare. Clinically, the tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter are manifested by macrogematuria, which is often accompanied by the formation of large clots and therefore leads to renal colic.

Pain and kidney enlargement is observed only with large tumors leading to progressive violation of urine outflow, hydronephrosis and infection. Diagnosis of tumors of the renal pelvis is based on history, cystoscopy, hematuria, the results of urinal cytology and X-ray examination. In a cytological study with the coloration of the sediment, it is possible to detect the presence of clearly altered cells, the proliferation of small formations, papillomas, or the manifestation of papillary cancer. In the process of examination, it is often necessary to resort to retrograde pyeloureterography, where these defects are marked very transparently and clearly.

For tumors of the ureter, less often with a tumor of the renal pelvis, a defect (sometimes defects) of filling and growth is determined, in which the massage in medical center Kiev is forbidden, in order to prevent the spread of the tumor throughout the body. In addition, for the tumor of the ureter, the emergence from the lumen of the urine catheter, stained with blood, as a consequence of traumatizing the tumor with the element of the catheter.

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