Wilms Tumors

In clinical practice, there is another kind of very peculiar formations. They are described under the name of Wilms tumor.
From the triad of the variety of symptoms of kidney tumors, with Wilms tumor, palpable formation is most common. When you contact a medical center or a doctor masseur in massage clinic Kiev, only in the initial stages of this process, treatment will be much more effective with minimal relapses and exacerbations. Such common macrogemuria is common in adults, but it is observed in children only in 20% of cases. The pain appears late and is poorly manifested.

Common symptoms are delayed development (from the time of the appearance of the tumor), weakness, lack of appetite, fever, anemia, increased ESR. With large tumors, there is asymmetry of the abdomen, the presence of a subcutaneous venous collateral network. Metastasis in the Wilms tumor occurs through the lymphatic ways into the regional lymph nodes. Hematogenous tumor spread is the same as in kidney cancer: lungs, liver, bones, etc.

The diagnosis of Wilms' tumor at an early stage is difficult due to the absence of pathognomonic symptoms. Tumor recognition is based on the detection of an enlarged, often bumpy kidney in palpation with a positive symptom of balloting, excretory urography, tomo-, angio, echo, and renovasography. Retrograde pyelography is used strictly according to indications, as it can cause dissemination of viable tumor cells. In addition to these differences in the morphology and clinical manifestations of kidney tumors in children differ from tumors in adults by their sensitivity to bioenergetics Kiev and to radiation therapy.

Treatment of children with Wilms tumor is carried out according to two schemes. With relatively small tumors, nephrectomy is performed followed by irradiation. With larger tumors and the assumption of the possibility of technical difficulties during the operation, an additional examination may be prescribed that will be able to more purposefully identify the cause and the localization of the problem.

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